Following Up & Thank You Messages
asdf Heading link

If you really want to increase your chances of hearing back about a job/internship, follow up with a recruiter or engineer at the company! It will make you stand out from other candidates who are not taking this additional step. It also shows initiative and enthusiasm on your part!
Tips on Following-up
- Lead off with a thank you and focus on specifics from your conversation
- Keep it brief. 3-5 sentences
- Ask additional questions, if you have any
- Connect on LinkedIn
- Consider asking if there’s someone else within their network that you could be connected with to build your network
Examples of Messages Heading link
Applying for a job
Hi (Use name if possible or Hiring Manager),
I hope you are having a great week. I recently applied for the (Position title) and I wanted to check in on your decision timeline. I am excited about the opportunity to work at (Company Name) and contribute my (specific skills the company is looking for) to your team.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. I look forward to hearing from you regarding our next steps in the hiring process.
(Your Name)
Follow up after meeting someone at a networking event
Hi (Person’s name),
It was nice meeting you at (Name of event and date). I really enjoyed our conversation on (provide specific details from the conversation). Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn! Based on our conversation, is there anyone else within your network that you think I should connect with?
Let me know if you would like to grab coffee sometime.
(Your Name)
Thank you email after an interview
Hi (Person’s name),
Thank you for taking the time to interview me yesterday for the (position title). It was great to learn more about the position, the company and meet such a cohesive team! I enjoyed our conversation on (provide something specific that was discussed). After learning more about the position, I am even more confident that my skills and experiences align with the role and your company, especially (provide a specific skill that relates to the position and company).
Please let me know if you would like additional information. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding our next steps.
(Your Name)
career fair
Hello (name),
It was nice meeting you at the UIC Engineering Career Fair on (date). I really enjoyed our conversation on (provide specific details from the conversation and/or the role you discussed).
I’m glad we connected because I feel (company name and/or job title) would be a great fit for me because of (insert reason here).
I hope to hear from you regarding the next steps in the interview process.
(Your Name)
How to structure a professional email

Following up with recruiters on Linkedin Heading link
Sometimes it is hard to find the right person to follow up with at an employer you have submitted your resume to. This is where LinkedIn becomes a big help. You can find recruiters or hiring professionals who work at your target company and send them a follow-up message after you apply. As in all types of follow-up there is a proper approach to take in order to generate a response.

Connect with UIC Alumni on LinkedIn Heading link
You will not always be able to connect with recruiters or hiring personnel from the company you applied to. Thankfully, UIC has a network of 150,000 alumni profiles on LinkedIn. Some of these alumni may work at organizations where you would like to become an intern or full-time employee. UIC alumni can be a great way to network your way into a company, before a job is even posted.